!! Available since 2017 !!
"Belgian Smallswords, status symbols of times past" is my first book on smallswords and a must-have to any sword entusiast !

It is the very first book dedicated to Belgian smallswords and it sublimes their beauty in over 160 pages. It references official texts spanning more than 120 years in order to link models to known wearers and corresponding time periods.

Gorgeous full-color pictures of more than 40 examples of smallswords illustrate the different models, both military or civilian, which have been used in Belgium since the independence of the country, in 1830.

If you have any interest in Belgian or even European smallswords, this is a book you cannot afford to miss !!!
If you are interested in buying this book, please contact me at : benoit@swordsdb.com.
Price is EUR 40.00 + postage *
* EUR 8 for Belgium, EUR 18 for Germany, Holland, France and Great-Britain, EUR 33 for the rest of Europe and the USA.